King Khalid Airport is one of the Airports in Riyadh from where all the flight of Riyadh takes off. Abha is located in the capital of the Asir region in Saudi Arabia. The flight distance from Riyadh and Abha is only 838km. The fastest and direct flights from Riyadh to Abha take 1 hour and 40 minutes. For the flight that takes stops takes 4 hours and 30 minutes to reach Abha.
Many direct and stopover flights travel from Riyadh to Abha. The direct flight from Riyadh to Abha is Flyadeal. There are many ways to book tickets online as well. Most people can’t afford the expensive price of the tickets so they purchase the cheapest flight tickets. Many cheapest flights take place from Riyadh to Abha.
So if you want to travel on the cheapest flights then you can research it and book the ticket for the cheapest flight. The cheapest flights that travel from Riyadh to Abha are AlSaudi Airline with the ticket price of 19524. Other flights that travel from Riyadh to Abha are Flyadeal and Flynas with the ticket price of 24,029.
International Hajj Providing high-quality services for many years. We offer the best ever services of Hajj & Umrah. We have the lowest rates of Umrah packages from the USA.
We have a variety of packages of Umrah and hajj and you can choose the best package according to your need and service. We have Economy, Silver, and Gold packages of both Umrah and Hajj.
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